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Hogsback Maps & How To Get To Hogsback

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The Hogsback map and satellite photo below shows the Google map of the Hogsback village and Hogsback mountains.

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Where is Hogsback?

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Hogsback is located in the beautiful Amathole Mountains in the Eastern Cape in South Africa.

The following coordinates may be used for finding or getting to Hogsback using a GPS system.

Latitude: -32.5833 or 32° 34' 60S (South)
Longitude: 26.9500 or 26° 56' 60E (East)

The maps below below show you the driving distance and directions to Hogsback, maps to Hogsback and how far Hogsback is from the following towns and cities in South Africa: The nearest town to Hogsback is Alice and although Alice is a small town, you will find a selection of shops, supermarkets and banks with ATMs including FNB and ABSA located in the Kwantu Shopping Centre near the BP Petrol Station in Alice. Alice is around 30 minutes drive from Hogsback or a distance of around 34km from Hogsback. The closest major town to Hogsback is King Williams Town and the nearest major cities to Hogsback with airports are East London and Port Elizabeth.

What is the nearest airport to Hogsback?

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The nearest airport to Hogsback is located in East London (Airport Codes IATA: ELS or ICAO: FAEL) with East London Airport being around 141km from Hogsback.

The second nearest airport is located in Port Elizabeth (Airport Codes IATA: PLZ or ICAO: FAPE) with Port Elizabeth Airport being around 267km from Hogsback.

Car hire / car rental is available at both East London Airport and Port Elizabeth Airport.

Is there an airport shuttle transfer to Hogsback?

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Airport shuttle transfers are available from East London Airport to the Hogsback Mountains if you are flying to East London Airport. We can refer you a company which offers an airport shuttle transfer from East London Airport to the Hogsback Mountains and return airport transfers back to East London Airport from Hogsback. The airport shuttle transfer company even offers you an optional opportunity to stop on the way at a supermarket / shops so you can go grocery shopping for your holiday otherwise Hogsback has a village shop where you can purchase all essential supplies and food as needed for your self catering holiday in Hogsback.

Directions to Hogsback from any town / city in South Africa

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Use the form below to enter your home town or city name to get directions from your town or city in South Africa to Hogsback in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.

The results will also tell you how far Hogsback is from your town / city and the approximate driving time it will take to get to Hogsback.

How to get to Hogsback from Port Elizabeth / Uitenhage?

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The driving distance from Port Elizabeth / PE / Uitenhage to Hogsback is around 264km or around 3 hours drive time.

The map and road route below shows you the directions from Port Elizabeth / PE / Uitenhage to Hogsback.

How to get to Hogsback from East London?

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The driving distance from East London to Hogsback is around 144km or around 1 hour and 45 minutes drive time.

The map and road route below shows you the directions from East London to Hogsback.

How to get to Hogsback from King Williams Town / Bhiso?

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The driving distance from King Williams Town / Bhisho to Hogsback is around 90km or around 1 hour and 10 minutes drive time.

The map and road route below shows you the directions from King Williams Town / Bhisho to Hogsback.

How to get to Hogsback from Queenstown?

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The driving distance from Queenstown to Hogsback is around 107km or around 1 hour and 39 minutes drive time.

The map and road route below shows you the directions from Queenstown to Hogsback.

How to get to Hogsback from Grahamstown?

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The driving distance from Grahamstown to Hogsback is around 139km or around 1 hour and 50 minutes drive time.

The map and road route below shows you the directions from Grahamstown to Hogsback.

How to get to Hogsback from Bloemfontein?

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The driving distance from Bloemfontein to Hogsback is around 474km or around 5 hours and 15 minutes drive time.

The map and road route below shows you the directions from Bloemfontein to Hogsback.

How to get to Hogsback from Cape Town?

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The driving distance from Cape Town to Hogsback is around 958km or around 9 hours and 50 minutes drive time.

The distance to Hogsback (in the Eastern Cape) from Cape Town (in the Western Cape) is far at around 958km so you may wish to consider flying to East London Airport which is the nearest airport to Hogsback and either renting a car or booking an airport shuttle transfer to Hogsback for your holiday in the beautiful Hogsback Mountains.

The map and road route below shows you the directions from Cape Town to Hogsback.

How to get to Hogsback from Johannesburg?

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The driving distance from Johannesburg to Hogsback is around 867km or around 8 hours and 30 minutes drive time.

The distance to Hogsback (in the Eastern Cape) from Johannesburg (in the Gauteng) is far at around 867km so you may wish to consider flying to East London Airport which is the nearest airport to Hogsback and either renting a car or booking an airport shuttle transfer to Hogsback for your holiday in the beautiful Hogsback Mountains.

The map and road route below shows you the directions from Johannesburg to Hogsback.